
Need help drawing up a business proposal and pitching to investors for a new digital media platform.

Bryankeating 8 years ago updated by MaGIC 8 years ago 1

I have been working on a new digital media and would like to take it to the next level. Unsure as to how to create a professional business proposal to pitch to potential investors. Also how to identify and seek out these investors. Could Magic offer some advice?



Hi Bryan,

Occasionally we will conduct courses on business proposal and pitch that you attend here.

In the meantime, you can learn via video of our previous course related to that here.

Let us know if you have further question.


Hi Bryan,

Occasionally we will conduct courses on business proposal and pitch that you attend here.

In the meantime, you can learn via video of our previous course related to that here.

Let us know if you have further question.