
Social Entrepreneurship Database

Nelson Lim 9 years ago updated by MaGIC 9 years ago 3
Hi everyone.

I am an undergraduate student doing my final year research on Social Entrepreneurship. May I know how can I get into the database of numbers of Social Enterprise in Malaysia and their nature of business?

Looking forward in having your views. Thanks.
Under review
Hi Nelson!

By means of introduction, I am Hairol, the Program Manager for the MaGIC SE Community Team.

We, unfortunately, are not be able to share with you the database as we are bound by the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). For your final year research purposes, I am sure statistics/analysis of SE scene in Malaysia captured in both in our Blueprint and Social Enterprise 101 would be very much helpful. You can download them here.

Just a heads-up, we will be publishing our a comprehensive report on the state of Social Enterprise in Malaysia, tentatively end of this month. So look out for that too :)